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Speeches and Publications

Speech entitled "Criminal Aspects of Environmental Liability in Oil and Gas Production" given on August 8, 1991, at the Annual Review of the Oil, Gas and Mineral Law Section of the Dallas Bar Association;

Speech entitled "The Clean Air Act" given on May 13, 1992, at the Executive Enterprise's Environmental Regulation Course in Houston, Texas;

Speech entitled "The Clean Air Act" given on July 15, 1992, at the Executive Enterprise's Environmental Regulation Course in Dallas, Texas;

Member of Oil & Gas Hazardous Waste Panel at the Business Institute's Texas Environmental Regulation seminar on December 3, 1992, in Houston, Texas;

Speech entitled "The Clean Air Act" given on January 12, 1993, at the Executive Enterprise's Environmental Regulation Course in Dallas, Texas.

Article entitled "EPA Trips the Fleet Dragon" in the August 1992 issue of The Texas Independent Banker.

Article entitled "FDIC Environmental Risk Assessment" in the August 1993 issue of The Texas Independent Banker.

Co-authored chapter entitled "Environmental Provisions of NAFTA" for a book entitled "NAFTA & Beyond-A New Framework for Doing Business in the Americas," published October 1994 by Klewers Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.